I am so glad that after months of worrying that I might not get a solemniser has finally ended! And and and...I got my 1st choice solemniser Dr Phua Tan Tee to solemnise us!! Double yays!!
Maybe to those who attended a lot of weddings must have seen him quite often..and he is really very popular..but I just can't seem to find anybody else who fits the bill..
Of the reviews I read, many have their bad points..but nobody seemed to have anything bad to say about Dr Phua except that he is long winded maybe?
Anyway in order to accommodate his schedule, we've change our solemnisation lunch to a tea reception instead. Therefore we are not following the "auspicious" timing given by our geomancer. Though I don't feel comfortable in doing this, but I'm really tired of searching for another solemniser. So I decided to ditch the traditions/superstitions and went ahead to confirm Dr Phua.
I've got another news to update. We've previously signed up with this production company called Loud! Productions Pte Ltd for our pre-wedding video and AD video. Long story short, the whole experience was horrible and they were very dishonest. When we wanted to cancel the package, the director even threatened to take legal actions against us if we do not pay them $1k as a form of compensation. Usually I'm very nice but his threat makes my blood boil!! After seeking advice I emailed him explaining all the time lapse in their service, failure to deliver their promise and also non response/updates via social media. I even emailed CASE to lodge a complaint. And true enough, it was just an empty threat as there is no news from him anymore. So moral of the story is, do read what you're signing and always ensure you do not pay too much deposit upon first sign up for a service. We've lost our $2k deposit but I'm glad all this is over. Hopefully when we're planning our renovation next year, this kind of situation won't happen again.
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