Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Wedding Show @ Sheraton Towers

Just attended wedding show by Sheraton Towers last Friday. Location is pretty good, walking distance from Newton MRT. We degcided to go there first after work before having our dinner. Thought of going Newton for dinner after that. To our surprise, they actually have buffet dinner for the couples at the show. So we decided this is also a good chance to try out their food from the famous Li Bai Restaurant.

The main ballroom there is L shaped, which I find the size a bit weird. I prefer rectangular shaped ballroom.
Anyway their min. table requirement is at 20 tables if I'm not wrong. For their smaller room, it's 12 tables (12 pax per table). We took a small peek at the smaller room and felt that it's very cramped. Price wise is not exactly very cheap. It's more expensive than Grand Copthorne Waterfront. (My current no. 1 choice for now). 

Initially we're also thinking of having a lunch reception as it's much cheaper. But zhai nan told me he's aiming for dinner reception..I also want a dinner reception as there's more time for everything..we might have our solemnisation on the same day so dinner would be better..oh well we still have time to look around for more options and I think the next wave of wedding shows would be in Feb/Mar next year..hopefully by then we can fix on the wedding banquet venue. 

Various Wedding Themes

Buffet Dinner

A very hungry and curious zhai nan checking out the desserts.  ;P

Wedding Favours

Wedding Invitation Cards

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